naughty adj

naughty adj
knotty adj

English expressions. 2014.

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  • naughty — (adj.) late 14c., naugti needy, having nothing, from O.E. nawiht (see NAUGHT (Cf. naught)) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Sense of wicked, evil, morally wrong is attested from 1520s; specific meaning sexually promiscuous is from 1869. The more tame main modern …   Etymology dictionary

  • naughty — adj. 1) naughty of 2) naughty to + inf. (it was naughty to do that) * * * [ nɔːtɪ] naughty of naughty to + inf. (it was naughty to do that) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • naughty — adj. Naughty is used with these nouns: ↑boy, ↑child, ↑word …   Collocations dictionary

  • naughty — [nôt′ē] adj. naughtier, naughtiest [ME naugti: see NAUGHT] 1. Obs. wicked; bad; evil 2. not behaving properly; mischievous or disobedient: used esp. of children or their behavior 3. showing lack of decorum; improper, indelicate, or obscene SYN.… …   English World dictionary

  • naughty — adj 1. impish, waggish, prankish, elfish, Inf. full of the devil, puckish; roguish, scampish, arch, Scot. hempy; playful, sportive, full of mischief, mischievous, fond of mischief, frolicsome; annoying, vexatious, exasperating, teasing. 2.… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • naughty — adj. (naughtier, naughtiest) 1 (esp. of children) disobedient; badly behaved. 2 colloq. joc. indecent. 3 archaic wicked. Derivatives: naughtily adv. naughtiness n. Etymology: ME f. NAUGHT + Y(1) …   Useful english dictionary

  • naughty — [[t]nɔ͟ːti[/t]] naughtier, naughtiest 1) ADJ GRADED If you say that a child is naughty, you mean that they behave badly or do not do what they are told. Girls, you re being very naughty... You naughty boy, you gave me such a fright. Syn: bad Ant …   English dictionary

  • naughty — naugh|ty [ˈno:ti US ˈno:ti, ˈna:ti] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(disobedient)¦ 2¦(slightly bad)¦ 3¦(involving sex)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: naught] 1.) ¦(DISOBEDIENT)¦ a naughty child does not obey adults and behaves badly ≠ ↑good ▪ You re a very… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • naughty — naughtily, adv. naughtiness, n. /naw tee/, adj., naughtier, naughtiest. 1. disobedient; mischievous (used esp. in speaking to or about children): Weren t we naughty not to eat our spinach? 2. improper, tasteless, indecorous, or indecent: a… …   Universalium

  • naughty — 1) n an illicit act, usually referring to sex and typically occurring in phrases such as have a (quick) naughty . The coy expression, which sometimes also refers to a crime, is heard in both British and Australian speech. 2) adj British a.… …   Contemporary slang

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