disoriented adj

disoriented adj
If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?

English expressions. 2014.

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  • disoriented — adj. 1. having lost one s bearings physically or mentally. I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway;the anesthetic left her completely disoriented Syn: confused, lost. [WordNet 1.5] 2. socially disoriented; withdrawn… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disoriented — [adj] confused, unstable adrift, all at sea*, astray, bewildered, discombobulated, lost, mixed up, not adjusted, off beam*, offcourse, out of joint*, perplexed, unbalanced, unhinged, unsettled; concept 403 Ant. balanced, oriented, settled,… …   New thesaurus

  • disoriented — adj. disoriented as to (disoriented as to time and place) * * * disoriented as to (disoriented as to time and place) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • disoriented — adj. confused or lostas to time or place; alienated, out of touch dis·o·ri·ent || dɪs ɔːrɪent v. confuse, cause to lose one s bearings, cause to lose sense of time and place …   English contemporary dictionary

  • disoriented — /dis awr ee en tid, ohr /, adj. confused as to time or place; out of touch: therapy for disoriented patients. [DISORIENT + ED2] Syn. distracted, mixed up, unstable, unhinged. * * * …   Universalium

  • disoriented — dis|or|i|ent|ed [dısˈo:rientıd] adj also dis|or|i|en|tat|ed [dısˈo:riənteıtıd] BrE 1.) confused and not understanding what is happening around you 2.) confused about where you are or which direction you should go ▪ When he emerged into the street …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • orient adj — If you take a job in the far east you will have to go through an Orient ation period. disoriented adj …   English expressions

  • disorient — [[t]dɪ̱sɔ͟ːrient[/t]] disorients, disorienting, disoriented VERB If something disorients you, you lose your sense of direction, or you generally feel lost and uncertain, for example because you are in an unfamiliar environment. [V n] An overnight …   English dictionary

  • spacey — adj. (also spelled spacy) confused, disoriented; spaced out, bewildered (as from drug use)adj. (also spelled spacey) confused, disoriented; spaced out, bewildered (as from drug use) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gorked out — adj American incapable, intoxicated, disoriented. The word was featured in the 1990 US film, Donor …   Contemporary slang

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