- current adj
- My electrician usually worries about current events.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
current — I adjective being done, belonging to the time, concurrent, contemporaneous, contemporary, customary, existent, existing, hie, immediate, in fashion, in style, in the fad, in vogue, instant, latest, latter day, new, occurring, of the moment, of… … Law dictionary
Current — Currếnt, adj. et adv. gleichfalls aus dem Lat. currere, oder Ital. corrente. Currente Waare, welch im Gebrauche gänge und gebe ist. Noch mehr aber in einigen Zusammensetzungen. Current Geld, eine gemeine gangbare Münze, welche im täglichen Handel … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
current — adj *prevailing, prevalent, rife Analogous words: general, *universal, common: popular, ordinary, familiar, *common: *usual, customary Antonyms: antique, antiquated: obsolete current n stream, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
current — [adj] contemporary; common accepted, accustomed, afoot, circulating, common knowledge, customary, cutting edge*, doing, existent, extant, fad, fashionable, general, going around, hot*, in, in circulation, in progress, instant, in the mainstream,… … New thesaurus
current — {{11}}current (adj.) c.1300, running, flowing, from O.Fr. corant running, lively, eager, swift, prp. of corre to run, from L. currere to run, move quickly (of persons or things), from PIE *kers to run (Cf. Gk. khouros running, Lith. karsiu go… … Etymology dictionary
current — adj. & n. adj. 1 belonging to the present time; happening now (current events; the current week). 2 (of money, opinion, a rumour, a word, etc.) in general circulation or use. n. 1 a body of water, air, etc., moving in a definite direction, esp.… … Useful english dictionary
current — [kʉr′ənt] adj. [altered (infl. by L) < ME curraunt < OFr curant, prp. of courre < L currere, to run < IE base * kers , to run, wagon > Gaul carros] 1. Obs. running or flowing 2. a) now going on; now in progress [the current month,… … English World dictionary
current — adj 1. present, immediate, instant, imminent, now passing, happening, occuring, ongoing, going on, present day; existent, extant, actual, being, coincident, concomitant, coeval, coexistent, simultaneous, contemporaneous, synchronous. 2. well… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
current — [[t]kʌ̱rənt, AM kɜ͟ːr [/t]] ♦ currents 1) N COUNT A current is a steady and continuous flowing movement of some of the water in a river, lake, or sea. Under normal conditions, the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west … English dictionary
current — currently, adv. /kerr euhnt, kur /, adj. 1. passing in time; belonging to the time actually passing: the current month. 2. prevalent; customary: the current practice. 3. popular; in vogue: current fashions. 4. new; present; most recent: the… … Universalium