- continently adv
- "Europe needs more self-restraint," said Tom continently.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
Continently — Con ti*nent*ly, adv. In a continent manner; chastely; moderately; temperately. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
continently — /kon tn euhnt lee/, adv. in a continent manner; temperately. [1520 30; CONTINENT + LY] * * * … Universalium
continent n — continently adv … English expressions
continent — [känt′ n ənt] adj. [OFr < L continens, prp. of continere: see CONTAIN] 1. self restrained; temperate 2. characterized by self restraint in, esp. by total abstinence from, sexual activity 3. Obs. restrictive n. 1. Rare a thing that retains or… … English World dictionary
Continent — 1. n. 1 any of the main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia, Africa, N. and S. America, Australia, Antarctica). 2 (the Continent) Brit. the mainland of Europe as distinct from the British Isles. 3 continuous land; a mainland. Etymology: L… … Useful english dictionary
continent — 1. n. 1 any of the main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia, Africa, N. and S. America, Australia, Antarctica). 2 (the Continent) Brit. the mainland of Europe as distinct from the British Isles. 3 continuous land; a mainland. Etymology: L… … Useful english dictionary
forhæfendlíce — adv continently … Old to modern English dictionary
forwiernedlíce — adv continently … Old to modern English dictionary