congenital adj

congenital adj

English expressions. 2014.

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  • congenital — CONGENITÁL, Ă, congenitali, e, adj. Care există în momentul naşterii; din naştere, înnăscut. – Din fr. congénital. Trimis de irene bujenita, 13.08.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  CONGENITÁL adj. v. înnăscut. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime … …   Dicționar Român

  • congenital — [adj] inborn complete, connate, connatural, constitutional, inbred, indigenous, indwelling, ingrained, inherent, inherited, innate, intrinsic, inveterate, latent, native, natural, thorough, unacquired, utter; concepts 314,549 Ant. contracted …   New thesaurus

  • congénital — congénital, ale, aux [ kɔ̃ʒenital, o ] adj. • 1784; du lat. congenitus « né avec » 1 ♦ (Opposé à acquis) Qui est présent à la naissance; dont l origine se situe pendant la vie intra utérine. Maladie, malformation congénitale. ⇒ héréditaire, inné …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • congénital — congénital, ale (kon jé ni tal, ta l ) adj. Terme de médecine. Qui naît avec. Maladie congénitale. Déplacements congénitaux. REMARQUE    L Académie dit congénital ou congénial. C est une confusion vicieuse. Congénial dans le sens de congénital… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • congenital — [kən jen′ə təl] adj. [< L congenitus, born together with < com , together + genitus: see GENITAL] 1. existing as such at birth [a congenital disease] 2. existing as if inborn; inherent [a congenital cheerfulness] SYN. INNATE congenitally… …   English World dictionary

  • congenital — adj. Congenital is used with these nouns: ↑defect, ↑deformity, ↑disease …   Collocations dictionary

  • congenital — adj. describing a condition that is recognized at birth or that is believed to have been present since birth. Congenital malformations include all disorders present at birth whether they are inherited or caused by an environmental factor …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • congenital — adj. 1 (esp. of a disease, defect, etc.) existing from birth. 2 that is (or as if) such from birth (a congenital liar). Derivatives: congenitally adv. Etymology: L congenitus (as com , genitus past part. of gigno beget) …   Useful english dictionary

  • CONGÉNITAL, ALE — adj. T. de Médecine Qu’on apporte en naissant, en parlant de Certaines infirmités. Maladie congénitale. Par extension, il se dit de Toutes les dispositions qu’on apporte en naissant …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • congenital — adj. [L. cum, together; gignere, to beget] Of or pertaining to a condition present at birth …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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