wool n, pull the - over sb's eyes
- wool n, pull the - over sb's eyes
- Every day a peddler pulled his cart of wool from his home to the village market. It was a long trip. He had to travel around the perimeter of a large lake that was owned by the town tycoon, a modern-day scrooge. One day during the winter the lake froze over. The peddler realized that he could cut off 2 miles from his trip if he crossed over the lake. He was spotted halfway across the lake by the tycoon. Scrooge came racing out of his mansion and screamed at the peddler, "I'll be danged if I let anyone pull the wool over my ice!"
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pull the wool over someone's eyes — pull the wool over (someone s) eyes to deceive someone in order to prevent them from knowing what you are really doing. Don t let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes ask for a list of all the hidden charges … New idioms dictionary
pull the wool over eyes — pull the wool over (someone s) eyes to deceive someone in order to prevent them from knowing what you are really doing. Don t let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes ask for a list of all the hidden charges … New idioms dictionary
pull the wool over someone's eyes — If you pull the wool over someone s eyes, you deceive or cheat them … The small dictionary of idiomes
pull the wool over someone's eyes — ► pull the wool over someone s eyes deceive someone. Main Entry: ↑wool … English terms dictionary
pull the wool over somebody's eyes — pull the ˈwool over sb s eyes idiom (informal) to try to trick sb; to hide your real actions or intentions from sb Main entry: ↑pullidiom … Useful english dictionary
pull the wool over someone's eyes — verb conceal one s true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well • Syn: ↑bamboozle, ↑snow, ↑hoodwink, ↑lead by the nose, ↑play… … Useful english dictionary
pull the wool over one's eyes — {v. phr.}, {informal} To fool someone into thinking well of you; deceive. * /The businessman had pulled the wool over his partner s eyes about their financial position./ * /Bob tried to pull the wool over his teacher s eyes, but she was too smart … Dictionary of American idioms
pull the wool over one's eyes — {v. phr.}, {informal} To fool someone into thinking well of you; deceive. * /The businessman had pulled the wool over his partner s eyes about their financial position./ * /Bob tried to pull the wool over his teacher s eyes, but she was too smart … Dictionary of American idioms
pull\ the\ wool\ over\ one's\ eyes — v. phr. informal To fool someone into thinking well of you; deceive. The businessman had pulled the wool over his partner s eyes about their financial position. Bob tried to pull the wool over his teacher s eyes, but she was too smart for him … Словарь американских идиом
pull the wool over your eyes — deceive you, trick you, fool you Don t let him pull the wool over your eyes. He s not at the office … English idioms