weird adj

weird adj
Real weird rear wheels.

English expressions. 2014.

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  • weird — [adj] odd, bizarre awe inspiring, awful, creepy*, curious, dreadful, eccentric, eerie*, far out*, fearful, flaky*, freaky*, funky*, ghastly, ghostly, grotesque, haunting, horrific, inscrutable, kinky*, kooky*, magical, mysterious, occult,… …   New thesaurus

  • weird´ness — weird «wihrd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. unearthly or mysterious; wild; strange: »The witches moved in a weird dance. They were awakened by a weird shriek. 2. Informal. odd; fantastic; queer: »The shadows made weird figures on the wal …   Useful english dictionary

  • weird´ly — weird «wihrd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. unearthly or mysterious; wild; strange: »The witches moved in a weird dance. They were awakened by a weird shriek. 2. Informal. odd; fantastic; queer: »The shadows made weird figures on the wal …   Useful english dictionary

  • weird — adj. (colloq.) 1) weird about (there is smt. weird about them) 2) weird that + clause (it s weird that you never noticed her) * * * [wɪəd] weird that + clause (it s weird that you never noticed her) (colloq.) weird about (there is smt. weird… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • weird — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, seem, sound ▪ I started to feel quite weird. ▪ get ADVERB ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • weird — S2 [wıəd US wırd] adj [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: weird what happens to a person in life, fate, (bad) luck (11 18 centuries), from Old English wyrd] informal very strange and unusual, and difficult to understand or explain ▪ A really weird thing… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • weird — [wird] adj. [ME werde, orig. n., fate < OE wyrd, fate < the base of weorthan, to become (basic sense “what is to come”) < IE * wert , to turn: see VERSE] 1. Obs. of fate or destiny 2. of or about ghosts, evil spirits, or other… …   English World dictionary

  • weird — O.E. wyrd fate, destiny (n.), lit. that which comes, from P.Gmc. *wurthis (Cf. O.S. wurd, O.H.G. wurt fate, O.N. urðr fate, one of the three Norns ), from PIE *wert to turn, wind, (Cf. Ger. werden, O.E. weorðan to become ) …   Etymology dictionary

  • weird — adj. & n. adj. 1 uncanny, supernatural. 2 colloq. strange, queer, incomprehensible. 3 archaic connected with fate. n. esp. Sc. archaic fate, destiny. Phrases and idioms: the weird sisters 1 the Fates. 2 witches. Derivatives: weirdly adv.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Weird — adj. & n. adj. 1 uncanny, supernatural. 2 colloq. strange, queer, incomprehensible. 3 archaic connected with fate. n. esp. Sc. archaic fate, destiny. Phrases and idioms: the weird sisters 1 the Fates. 2 witches. Derivatives: weirdly adv.… …   Useful english dictionary

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