- weak adj
- Seven days without a pun makes one weak.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
weak — [wēk] adj. [ME waik < ON veikr, akin to OE wac, feeble (which the ON word replaced) < IE * weig , * weik (< base * wei , to bend) > WEEK, WICKER, L vicis, change] 1. a) lacking in strength of body or muscle; not physically strong b)… … English World dictionary
weak — adj. 1 deficient in strength, power, or number; fragile; easily broken or bent or defeated. 2 deficient in vigour; sickly, feeble (weak health; a weak imagination). 3 a deficient in resolution; easily led (a weak character). b (of an action or… … Useful english dictionary
weak — W2S3 [wi:k] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(physical)¦ 2¦(likely to break)¦ 3¦(character)¦ 4¦(without power)¦ 5¦(without interest)¦ 6¦(without energy)¦ 7¦(not good at doing something)¦ 8¦(money)¦ 9¦(argument/idea)¦ 10¦(drink)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
weak — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound ▪ become, get, go, grow … Collocations dictionary
weak — adj. 1) weak at, in (he s weak in mathematics) 2) weak from, with (weak with hunger) * * * [wiːk] in (he s weak in mathematics) with (weak with hunger) weak at weak from … Combinatory dictionary
weak´li|ness — weak|ly «WEEK lee», adverb, adjective, li|er, li|est. –adv. in a weak manner. –adj. weak; feeble; sickly. –weak´li|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
weak|ly — «WEEK lee», adverb, adjective, li|er, li|est. –adv. in a weak manner. –adj. weak; feeble; sickly. –weak´li|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
weak-headed — weak headedly, adv. weak headedness, n. /week hed id/, adj. 1. easily intoxicated by alcoholic beverages. 2. prone to dizziness or giddiness. 3. weak minded. [1645 55] * * * … Universalium
weak — adj 1. frail, fragile, breakable, delicate; unstable, unsteady, unsubstantial; flimsy, jerry built, gimcrack, rickety, ramshackle, dilapidated, falling apart or down, tumble down, decayed, rotten. 2. feeble, puny, nonmuscular, nonathletic,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
weak-minded — weak′ mind′ed adj. 1) having or showing a lack of mental firmness; irresolute; vacillating 2) feeble minded; foolish • Etymology: 1775–85 weak′ mind′ed•ly, adv. weak′ mind′ed•ness, n … From formal English to slang