two-faced adj
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two-faced — adj informal changing what you say according to who you are talking to, in a way that is insincere and unpleasant used to show disapproval ▪ He s a two faced liar … Dictionary of contemporary English
two-faced — two′ faced adj. 1) having two faces 2) deceitful or hypocritical • Etymology: 1610–20 two′ fac ed•ly, adv. two′ fac ed•ness, n … From formal English to slang
two-faced — [adj] deceitful artful, backstabbing, beguiling, crafty, cunning, deceiving, deceptive, dishonest, double dealing, foxy, fraudulent, guileful, hypocritical, insincere, knavish, lying, misleading, shifty, sly, sneaky, tricky, underhanded,… … New thesaurus
two-faced — ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ (disapproval) If you describe someone as two faced, you are critical of them because they say they do or believe one thing when their behaviour or words show that they do not do it or do not believe it. He had been… … English dictionary
two-faced — [to͞o′fāst΄] adj. 1. having two faces, surfaces, etc. 2. deceitful; hypocritical two facedly [to͞o΄fās′id lē] adv … English World dictionary
two-faced — {adj.} Insincere; disloyal; deceitful. * /Don t confide too much in him as he has the reputation of being two faced./ Compare: SPEAK WITH A FORKED TONGUE … Dictionary of American idioms
two-faced — {adj.} Insincere; disloyal; deceitful. * /Don t confide too much in him as he has the reputation of being two faced./ Compare: SPEAK WITH A FORKED TONGUE … Dictionary of American idioms
two-faced — adj Insincere; disloyal; deceitful. Don t confide too much in him as he has the reputation of being two faced. Compare: speak with a forked tongue … Словарь американских идиом
two-faced — two facedly /tooh fay sid lee, fayst lee/, adv. two facedness, n. /tooh fayst /, adj. 1. having two faces. 2. deceitful or hypocritical. Cf. Janus faced. [1610 20] Syn. 2. treacherous, devious, dishonest, false. * * * … Universalium
two-faced — adj hypocritical, double tongued, double faced, Janus faced; deceitful, insincere, disingenuous, false, mendacious, untruthful, hollow; dishonest, underhanded, untrustworthy, crooked, knavish; wily, tricky, designing, scheming, guileful, double… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder