thin adj

thin adj
Bill was short of money and was out looking for a job. Paster Nelson offered Bill $500 to buy paint and paint the church. Well Bill went out bough some paint and started painting the church. He discovered that he was using more paint than he expected so the added some thinner to the paint, well it is still covered but not as well as it did at first. Well he still was using more paint than he wanted to use so he added still more thinner to the paint. Well the paint was too thin cover well but Bill still kept on painting. All of a sudden there was a bolt of lighting and a loud voice from the sky proclaimed, "Repaint and thin no more." tinsmith n

English expressions. 2014.

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  • thin — [thin] adj. thinner, thinnest [ME thinne < OE thynne, akin to Ger dünn < IE * tenu , thin < base * ten , to stretch > L tenuis, thin, tenere, to hold, tendere & Gr teinein, to stretch] 1. having relatively little depth; of little… …   English World dictionary

  • thin-film — thinˈ film adjective (electronics) Made by chemical or physical vapour deposition or electrolysis, typically no more than a few micrometres thick • • • Main Entry: ↑thin * * * adj. (of a process or device) using or involving a very thin solid or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • thin — thinly, adv. thinness, n. /thin/, adj., thinner, thinnest, adv., v., thinned, thinning. adj. 1. having relatively little extent from one surface or side to the opposite; not thick: thin ice. 2. of small cross section in comparison with the… …   Universalium

  • thin — adj., adv., & v. adj. (thinner, thinnest) 1 having the opposite surfaces close together; of small thickness or diameter. 2 a (of a line) narrow or fine. b (of a script or type etc.) consisting of thin lines. 3 made of thin material (a thin dress) …   Useful english dictionary

  • thin´ness — thin «thihn», adjective, thin|ner, thin|nest, adverb, verb, thinned, thin|ning, noun. –adj. 1. with little space from one side to the opposite side; not thick: »a thin book, thin paper, thin wire. The ice o …   Useful english dictionary

  • thin´ly — thin «thihn», adjective, thin|ner, thin|nest, adverb, verb, thinned, thin|ning, noun. –adj. 1. with little space from one side to the opposite side; not thick: »a thin book, thin paper, thin wire. The ice o …   Useful english dictionary

  • thin-layer chromatography — thin .lā ər n chromatography in which the solution containing the substances to be separated migrates by capillarity through a thin layer of the adsorbent medium (as silica gel, alumina, or cellulose) arranged on a rigid support abbr. TLC compare …   Medical dictionary

  • thin — adj 1. thinnish, lean, spare, attenuate, attenuated; narrow, slender, slim, gracile, svelte, lithe, graceful; slight, wispy, wisplike; skinny, twiggy, thin as a reed or rail, narrow as an arrow, thin as six o clock, slender as a thread, too… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • thin-skinned — ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ (disapproval) If you say that someone is thin skinned, you mean that they are easily upset by criticism or unpleasantness. Some fear he is too thin skinned to survive the rough and tumble of a presidential campaign. Syn …   English dictionary

  • thin-skinned — /thin skind /, adj. 1. having a thin skin. 2. sensitive to criticism, reproach, or rebuff; easily offended; touchy: a thin skinned poet. [1590 1600] Syn. 2. squeamish, soft, susceptible. * * * …   Universalium

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