surely adv

surely adv
Dr. Rumack: Can you fly this plane and land it? Ted Striker:Surely you can't be serious. Dr. Rumack:I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.(from 'Airplane') sell v

English expressions. 2014.

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  • surely — [adv] without doubt absolutely, admittedly, assuredly, beyond doubt, beyond shadow of doubt*, certainly, clearly, come what may*, conclusively, decidedly, definitely, distinctly, doubtlessly, evidently, explicitly, fixedly, for certain, for real …   New thesaurus

  • Surely — Sure ly, adv. 1. In a sure or certain manner; certainly; infallibly; undoubtedly; assuredly. [1913 Webster] In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Gen. ii. 17. [1913 Webster] He that created something out of nothing, surely… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • surely — [shoor′lē] adv. 1. with assurance or confidence; in a sure, unhesitating manner 2. without a doubt; assuredly; certainly: often used as an intensive emphasizing a supposition [surely you don t believe that!] 3. without risk of failing: chiefly in …   English World dictionary

  • surely — adv. 1 with certainty (the time approaches slowly but surely). 2 as an appeal to likelihood or reason (surely that can t be right). 3 with safety; securely (the goat plants its feet surely) …   Useful english dictionary

  • surely — adv. Surely is used with these adjectives: ↑true Surely is used with these verbs: ↑deserve, ↑help …   Collocations dictionary

  • surely — adv 1. firmly, confidently, securely; sure footedly, unerringly, unswervingly, undeviatingly, unhesitatingly, unfalteringly, unwaveringly; steadily, determinedly, doggedly. 2. undoubtedly, indubitably, doubtless, doubtlessly; unquestionably,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • surely — [[t]ʃʊ͟ə(r)li[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with cl/group (emphasis) You use surely to emphasize that you think something should be true, and you would be surprised if it was not true. You re an intelligent woman, surely you realize by now that I m… …   English dictionary

  • surely — sure|ly W2S1 [ˈʃo:li US ˈʃurli] adv 1.) [sentence adverb] used to show that you think something must be true, especially when people seem to be disagreeing with you ▪ You must have heard about the riots, surely? ▪ There must surely be some… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • surely — /shoor lee, sherr /, adv. 1. firmly; unerringly; without missing, slipping, etc. 2. undoubtedly, assuredly, or certainly: The results are surely encouraging. 3. (in emphatic utterances that are not necessarily sustained by fact) assuredly: Surely …   Universalium

  • surely */*/ — [ˈʃʊəli] , [ˈʃɔːli] adv 1) used for showing that you think that something is very likely Surely you realized we were at home when you saw the lights on?[/ex] 2) spoken used for showing surprise or doubt ‘Did she tell you they ve split up? ‘… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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