sound adj

sound adj
A music store owner has to have sound business practices.

English expressions. 2014.

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  • sound + adj./n — • to sound + adj./n/PartII, or as if, as though • to sound as if/though • to sound sad (patient, sore, interested, apologetic, tired, concerned, strange, indifferent, eager, impatient, angry, alarmed, dejected, surprised, pleased, dubious,… …   Idioms and examples

  • sound — 1 adj 1 a: free from injury or disease: exhibiting normal health b: free from flaw, defect, or decay a sound design 2 a: free from error, fallacy, or misapprehension based on sound judicial reasoning b: legally valid …   Law dictionary

  • sound — sound1 [sound] n. [< ME soun (+ unhistoric d) < OFr son < L sonus < IE * swonos, a sound, noise < base * swen , to sound > OE swinsian, to sing, make music] 1. a) vibrations in air, water, etc. that stimulate the auditory nerves …   English World dictionary

  • sound# — sound adj 1 *healthy, wholesome, robust, hale, well Analogous words: *vigorous, lusty, nervous, energetic, strenuous: *strong, sturdy, stalwart, stout: intact, whole, entire, *perfect 2 *valid, cogent, convincing, compelling, telling …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sound — sound1 W1S1 [saund] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: son, from Latin sonus] 1.) [U and C] something that you hear, or what can be heard = ↑noise ▪ There were strange sounds coming from the next room. sound of ▪ She could hear the sound …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sound*/*/*/ — [saʊnd] noun I 1) [C] something that you can hear Laura didn t make a sound as she left the room.[/ex] the sound of voices/laughter/footsteps[/ex] 2) [U] the loudness of a radio, television etc Syn: volume Turn the sound up a bit – I can t… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • sound — {{11}}sound (adj.) uninjured, O.E. gesund sound, safe, healthy, from P.Gmc. *sundas, from root *SWEN TO (Cf. swen to ) (Cf. O.S. gisund, O.Fris. sund, Du. gezond, O.H.G. gisunt, Ger. gesund healthy, source of the post sneezing interjection… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sound as if/though — • to sound + adj./n/PartII, or as if, as though • to sound as if/though • to sound sad (patient, sore, interested, apologetic, tired, concerned, strange, indifferent, eager, impatient, angry, alarmed, dejected, surprised, pleased, dubious,… …   Idioms and examples

  • sound — I To have reference or relation to; to aim at. An action is technically said to sound in tort or damages where it is brought not for the specific recovery of a thing, but for damages only. See sounding in damages II sound, adj Whole; in good… …   Black's law dictionary

  • sound-alike — [sound′ə līk΄] n. a person or thing that resembles another in sound [he is a Bogart sound alike] adj. sounding like another or each other [sound alike names]: Also written soundalike * * * sound a·like (soundʹə līk ) …   Universalium

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