some adj

some adj
box n, handsomely adv, winsomely adv

English expressions. 2014.

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  • some — adj., pron., & adv. adj. 1 an unspecified amount or number of (some water; some apples; some of them). 2 that is unknown or unnamed (will return some day; some fool has locked the door; to some extent). 3 denoting an approximate number (waited… …   Useful english dictionary

  • some — [sum] adj. [ME som < OE sum, a certain one, akin to Goth sums < IE * som > SAME] 1. being a certain one or ones not specified or known [open some evenings] 2. being of a certain unspecified (but often considerable) number, quantity,… …   English World dictionary

  • -some — ♦ Élément, du gr. sôma « corps » : centrosome, chromosome, ribosome. somato , some éléments, du gr. sôma, sômatos, corps . some V. somato . ⇒ SOME, élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. , de « corps », entrant dans la constr. de termes sav. en biol. et …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • some — adj. ‘sum holi childe.’ 104 B.; used absolutely, ‘somme’ == some persons. RG. 396, 459 …   Oldest English Words

  • some|time — «SUHM tym», adverb, adjective. –adv. 1. at one time or another: »Come to see us sometime. 2. at an indefinite time: »It came sometime in March. 3. chaic. sometimes. 4. Archaic. formerly. –adj. 1. former: »Alice Brown, a sometime pupil of our… …   Useful english dictionary

  • some — /sum/; unstressed /seuhm/, adj. 1. being an undetermined or unspecified one: Some person may object. 2. (used with plural nouns) certain: Some days I stay home. 3. of a certain unspecified number, amount, degree, etc.: to some extent. 4.… …   Universalium

  • some — [[t]sʌm[/t]] unstressed [[t]səm[/t]] adj. 1) being an undetermined or unspecified one: Some person may object[/ex] 2) certain (used with plural nouns): Some days I stay home[/ex] 3) unspecified in number, amount, degree, etc.: to some extent[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • some —  1. adj. Very praiseworthy.    ♣ He s certainly some cricketer.  2. Not much, some hope! You haven t much chance!  3. Adv. of emphasis. Usu. going some Going very quickly.  4. and then some And more in addition …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • some — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. several, [a] few, a number of; one, any; certain, divers, various, sundry; informal, what a, quite a. pron. any, a few, one or more, someone, somebody. adv. about, around, approximately, nearly,… …   English dictionary for students

  • some — sÊŒm ,sÉ™m adj. being an unknown or unspecified amount, undetermined, approximate; being unnamed; impressive, remarkable (Informal) adv. approximately, to a certain degree; somewhat (Informal); very, considerably (Informal) pron. indefinite… …   English contemporary dictionary

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