short adj

short adj
stock v, short supply

English expressions. 2014.

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  • short — [shôrt] adj. [ME < OE scort, akin to ON skort, short piece of clothing, OHG scurz, short < IE * (s)kerd < base * (s)ker , to cut, SHEAR < CURT] 1. not extending far from end to end; not long or not long enough 2. not great in span,… …   English World dictionary

  • short — 1 adj 1: treated or disposed of quickly in court the calendar for short causes 2 a: not having goods or property that one has sold in anticipation of a fall in prices a seller who was short at the time of the sale b: consisting of or relating to… …   Law dictionary

  • short-sleeve — 1639, from SHORT (Cf. short) (adj.) + SLEEVE (Cf. sleeve). First recorded in an ordinance of Massachusetts Bay colony, forbidding short sleeves, whereby the nakedness of the arme may be discovered …   Etymology dictionary

  • short-lived — 1580s, from SHORT (Cf. short) (adj.) + pt. of LIVE (Cf. live) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • short-order — in restaurant jargon, to be made quickly, 1906, from SHORT (Cf. short) (adj.) + ORDER (Cf. order) (n.). First attested in an O. Henry story …   Etymology dictionary

  • short-term — 1901, from SHORT (Cf. short) (adj.) + TERM (Cf. term) (n.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • short-timer — one whose term or enlistment is about to expire, 1906, from SHORT (Cf. short) (adj.) + TIME (Cf. time) …   Etymology dictionary

  • short-wave — radio wavelength less than c.100 meters, 1907, from SHORT (Cf. short) (adj.) + WAVE (Cf. wave) …   Etymology dictionary

  • short — {{11}}short (adj.) O.E. sceort, scort, probably from P.Gmc. *skurta (Cf. O.N. skorta to be short of, skort shortness; O.H.G. scurz short ), from PIE root *sker to cut, with notion of something cut off (Cf. Skt. krdhuh shortened, maimed, small; L …   Etymology dictionary

  • short — adj., adv., n., & v. adj. 1 a measuring little; not long from end to end (a short distance). b not long in duration; brief (a short time ago; had a short life). c seeming less than the stated amount (a few short years of happiness). 2 of small… …   Useful english dictionary

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