bear down upon phr v
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bear\ down\ upon — • bear down on • bear down upon v. phr. To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car … Словарь американских идиом
bear\ down\ on — • bear down on • bear down upon v. phr. To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car … Словарь американских идиом
bear down on — or[upon] {v. phr.} To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. * /The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bear down on — or[upon] {v. phr.} To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. * /The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bear — bear1 [ber] vt. BORE, borne (see 3), bearing, bore, born [ME beren < OE beran < IE base * bher , to carry, bring > L ferre, Gr pherein, Sans bharati, (he) bears] 1. a) to hold and take along; carry; transport b) to hold in the m … English World dictionary
bear — bear1 W1 [beə US ber] v past tense bore [bo: US bo:r] past participle borne [bo:n US bo:rn] [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(deal with something)¦ 2 can t bear something 3 bear (something) in mind 4¦(accept/be responsible for)¦ 5¦(support)¦ 6¦(sign/mark)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
bring — W1S1 [brıŋ] v past tense and past participle brought [bro:t US bro:t] [T] [: Old English; Origin: bringan] 1.) a) to take something or someone with you to the place where you are now, or to the place you are talking about →↑take ▪ Did you bring… … Dictionary of contemporary English
take — I [[t]te͟ɪk[/t]] USED WITH NOUNS DESCRIBING ACTIONS ♦ takes, taking, took, taken (Take is used in combination with a wide range of nouns, where the meaning of the combination is mostly given by the noun. Many of these combinations are common… … English dictionary
WRITING — (Scripts, Materials, and Inscriptions). SCRIPTS AND MATERIALS General Survey From the end of the third millennium B.C.E., the art of writing was practiced in the ancient Near East (see alphabet ). Here, the pictographic, cuneiform, and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Taliban — طالبان Participant in the Civil war in Afghanistan, the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) … Wikipedia