- positive adj
- Two atoms run into each other. One atom says, " I think I lost an electron." The second atom asks, "Are you sure?" The first atom replies, "I'm positive."
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
positive — adj. & n. adj. 1 formally or explicitly stated; definite, unquestionable (positive proof). 2 (of a person) convinced, confident, or overconfident in his or her opinion (positive that I was not there). 3 a absolute; not relative. b Gram. (of an… … Useful english dictionary
positive — [päz′ə tiv] adj. [ME positif < OFr < L positivus < positus: see POSITION] 1. formally or arbitrarily set; conventional; artificial [a positive law] 2. definitely set; explicitly laid down; admitting of no question or modification;… … English World dictionary
positive — adj. 1 certain VERBS ▪ be, seem, sound ADVERB ▪ absolutely, quite (esp. BrE) ▪ I m absolutely positive it was him … Collocations dictionary
positive — adj. positive about * * * [ pɒzɪtɪv] positive about … Combinatory dictionary
positive — adj 1. definite, categorical, unequivocal, precise; clear, sure, certain, sound; stipulated, expressed, stated. 2. incontrovertible, indisputable, incontestable, unquestionable; inappealable, undeniable, unanswerable; unmistakable, indubitable,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
positive — [[t]pɒ̱zɪtɪv[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, oft ADJ about n If you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects of a situation rather than the bad ones. Be positive about your future and get on… … English dictionary
positive — pos|i|tive1 W2S2 [ˈpɔzıtıv US ˈpa: ] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(attitude)¦ 2¦(good thing)¦ 3¦(action)¦ 4¦(support)¦ 5¦(sure)¦ 6¦(sign)¦ 7¦(proof)¦ 8¦(scientific test)¦ 9¦(emphasis)¦ 10¦(number)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
positive — positiveness, n. /poz i tiv/, adj. 1. explicitly stated, stipulated, or expressed: a positive acceptance of the agreement. 2. admitting of no question: positive proof. 3. stated; express; emphatic: a positive denial. 4. confident in opinion or… … Universalium
positive — pos•i•tive [[t]ˈpɒz ɪ tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) confident in opinion or assertion; sure: He is positive that he ll win[/ex] 2) cvb showing or expressing approval or agreement; favorable: a positive reaction to the speech[/ex] 3) cv gram. expressing or… … From formal English to slang
positive*/*/*/ — [ˈpɒzətɪv] adj 1) completely certain We d met before – I was positive about that.[/ex] Are you positive that there s been no mistake?[/ex] 2) believing that good things will happen, or that a situation will get better Syn: optimistic Ant:… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English