off-color adj

off-color adj
A painter's joke may be off-color while a cook's might be tasteless.

English expressions. 2014.

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  • off-color — adj. humorously vulgar; mildly obscene; risque; as, an off color joke. Syn: bawdy, blue, ribald. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • off-color — (adj.) 1858, from OFF (Cf. off) (adv.) + COLOR (Cf. color) (n.); originally used of gems; figurative extension to of questionable taste, risqué is American English, 1867 …   Etymology dictionary

  • off-color — [adj] risqué blue*, indelicate, purple*, racy*, salty*, shady, suggestive, vulgar, wicked; concept 545 Ant. clean, nice …   New thesaurus

  • off-color — • off color • off colored adj 1. Not of the proper hue or shade; not matching a standard color sample. The librarian complained that the painter had used an off color green on the walls. 2. informal Not of the proper kind for polite society; in… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • off-color — [ôf′kul′ər] adj. 1. varying from the usual, standard, or required color ☆ 2. not quite proper; in rather poor taste; risqué [an off color joke] …   English World dictionary

  • off-color — /awf kul euhr, of /, adj. 1. not having the usual or standard color: an off color gem. 2. of doubtful propriety or taste; risqué: an off color joke. 3. not in one s usual health: to feel off color. Also, esp. Brit., off colour. Also, off colored… …   Universalium

  • off-color — or[off colored] {adj.} 1. Not of the proper hue or shade; not matching a standard color sample. * /The librarian complained that the painter had used an off color green on the walls./ 2. {informal} Not of the proper kind for polite society; in… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off-color — or[off colored] {adj.} 1. Not of the proper hue or shade; not matching a standard color sample. * /The librarian complained that the painter had used an off color green on the walls./ 2. {informal} Not of the proper kind for polite society; in… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off-color — off′ col′or adj. 1) not having the usual or standard color 2) of doubtful propriety or taste; risqué 3) not in one s usual health Also, off′ col′ored (for defs.1,2). Etymology: 1855–60 …   From formal English to slang

  • off-color — adj 1. risque , indelicate, indecorous, inelegant; unseemly, improper, inappropriate, indiscreet; racy, salty, spicy, suggestive, broad, not fit for mixed company, unprintable, not for a family newspaper; earthy, Sl. raunchy, smutty, dirty, blue …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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