measured adj

measured adj
"According to this sonograph, the average frequency of my voice is 160 Hz," said Tom in measured tones.

English expressions. 2014.

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  • measured — (adj.) late 14c., deliberate, restrained, adjective from pp. of MEASURE (Cf. measure) (v.). Meaning uniform, regular is from c.1400 …   Etymology dictionary

  • measured — [mezh′ərd] adj. 1. determined, ascertained, or proportioned by a standard 2. a) regular, steady, or uniform b) steady, slow, and deliberate [to walk with a measured tread] 3. a) rhythmic …   English World dictionary

  • measured — adj. Measured is used with these nouns: ↑footstep, ↑pace, ↑response, ↑tone, ↑tread …   Collocations dictionary

  • measured — adj. 1 rhythmical; regular in movement (a measured tread). 2 (of language) carefully considered. Derivatives: measuredly adv …   Useful english dictionary

  • measured — adj 1. regulated, modulated, proportioned; like clockwork, precise, exact, determined. 2. steady, regular, constant, uniform, even; unchanging, unvarying, unvaried, rhythmical, singsong, monotonous, with a steady beat, at a steady pace,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • measured — [[t]me̱ʒə(r)d[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n You use measured to describe something that is careful and deliberate. The men spoke in soft, measured tones... Her more measured response will appeal to voters... They have to proceed at a measured pace …   English dictionary

  • measured — measuredly, adv. measuredness, n. /mezh euhrd/, adj. 1. ascertained or apportioned by measure: The race was over the course of a measured mile. 2. accurately regulated or proportioned. 3. regular or uniform, as in movement; rhythmical: to walk… …   Universalium

  • measured — mea|sured [ˈmeʒəd US ərd] adj if you do something in a measured way, you do it in a careful and controlled way, not in an excited or sudden way ▪ a measured response to the problem ▪ She spoke in measured tones …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • measured — meas·ured || meÊ’É™(r)d adj. calculated, deliberate, slow and steady, regulated meas·ure || meÊ’É™(r) n. action, step; unit of size or capacity; criterion; device for measuring; amount, degree, extent; system of measuring; meter, cadence;… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • measured — meas•ured [[t]ˈmɛʒ ərd[/t]] adj. 1) ascertained or apportioned by measure 2) accurately regulated or proportioned 3) regular or uniform, as in movement; rhythmical 4) deliberate and restrained: measured terms[/ex] • Etymology: 1350–1400… …   From formal English to slang

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