mean adj

mean adj
Statisticians say "mean" things.

English expressions. 2014.

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  • mean# — mean adj Mean, ignoble, abject, sordid can all be applied to persons, their behavior, or the conditions in which they live with the meaning so low as to be out of keeping with human dignity or generally acceptable standards of human life or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • mean-spirited — (adj.) also meanspirited, 1690s, from MEAN (Cf. mean) (adj.1) + SPIRITED (Cf. spirited). Ancient Greek had the same image in mikropsykhos …   Etymology dictionary

  • mean# — mean n 1 *average, median, norm, par 2 Mean, instrument, instrumentality, agent, agency, medium, organ, vehicle, channel denote a person or thing through or by which work is performed or an end is effected. Mean, usually in the form means which… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • mean — {{11}}mean (adj.1) low quality, c.1200, shared by all, from imene, from O.E. gemæne common, public, general, universal, shared by all, from P.Gmc. *ga mainiz possessed jointly (Cf. O.Fris. mene, O.S. gimeni, M.L.G. gemeine, M.Du. gemene, Du.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • mean — mean1 [mēn] vt. meant [ment] meaning [ME menen < OE mænan, to mean, tell, complain, akin to Ger meinen, to have in mind, have as opinion < IE base * meino , opinion, intent > OIr mian, wish, desire] 1. to have in mind; intend; purpose… …   English World dictionary

  • mean-spirited — [mēn′spir′it id] adj. characterized by or displaying a propensity to be mean; selfish, malicious, etc. mean spiritedness n. * * * mean spir·it·ed or mean·spir·it·ed (mēnʹspĭrʹĭ tĭd) adj. Having or characterized by a malicious or petty spirit.  … …   Universalium

  • mean´ing|ness — mean|ing «MEE nihng», noun, adjective. –n. 1. that which is meant or intended; significance: »the meaning of a story, the meaning of a sermon. The meaning of that sentence is clear. 2. Archaic. intention or purpose: »I am no honest man if there… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mean´ing|ly — mean|ing «MEE nihng», noun, adjective. –n. 1. that which is meant or intended; significance: »the meaning of a story, the meaning of a sermon. The meaning of that sentence is clear. 2. Archaic. intention or purpose: »I am no honest man if there… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mean|ing — «MEE nihng», noun, adjective. –n. 1. that which is meant or intended; significance: »the meaning of a story, the meaning of a sermon. The meaning of that sentence is clear. 2. Archaic. intention or purpose: »I am no honest man if there by any… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mean-spirited — [mēn′spir′it id] adj. characterized by or displaying a propensity to be mean; selfish, malicious, etc. mean spiritedness n …   English World dictionary

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