- lumberingly adv
- "I chop down trees for a living," said Tom lumberingly.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
lumber n — lumberingly adv … English expressions
lumbering — lumbering1 [lum′bər iŋ] n. ☆ the work or business of cutting down trees and preparing lumber lumbering2 [lum′bər iŋ] adj. 1. moving heavily, clumsily, or noisily 2. rumbling lumberingly adv … English World dictionary
heavily — /hev euh lee/, adv. 1. with a great weight or burden: a heavily loaded wagon. 2. in a manner suggestive of carrying a great weight; ponderously; lumberingly: He walked heavily across the room. 3. in an oppressive manner: Cares weigh heavily upon… … Universalium
heavily — heav•i•ly [[t]ˈhɛv ə li[/t]] adv. 1) with a great weight: heavily loaded[/ex] 2) ponderously; lumberingly: to walk heavily[/ex] 3) oppressively: Cares weigh heavily upon him[/ex] 4) severely; intensely: to suffer heavily[/ex] 5) densely; thickly … From formal English to slang