- late adj
- An old professor who was never on time died, and was called the late professor Brown.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
late — (adj.) O.E. læt occurring after the customary or expected time, originally slow, sluggish, from P.Gmc. *lata (Cf. O.N. latr sluggish, lazy, M.Du., O.S. lat, Ger. laß idle, weary, Goth. lats weary, sluggish, lazy, latjan to hinder ), from PIE *led … Etymology dictionary
late — [[t]le͟ɪt[/t]] ♦ later, latest 1) ADV GRADED: ADV with cl, ADV prep/n Late means near the end of a day, week, year, or other period of time. It was late in the afternoon... She had to work late at night... His autobiography was written late in… … English dictionary
late — adj. & adv. adj. 1 after the due or usual time; occurring or done after the proper time (late for dinner; a late milk delivery). 2 a far on in the day or night or in a specified time or period. b far on in development. 3 flowering or ripening… … Useful english dictionary
late — [lāt] adj. later or latter, latest or last [ME < OE læt, slow, sluggish, tardy, akin to Du laat, Ger lass, slow, lazy < IE * lēid < base * lēi , to neglect, let go > LET1, L lassus, weak] 1. happening, coming, etc. after the usual,… … English World dictionary
late — adj. 1) late for (she was late for class) 2) late in (we were late in filing our tax return; I was late in getting up) 3) late with (they are late with the rent) 4) of late ( recently ) * * * [leɪt] of late ( recently ) late for (she was late for … Combinatory dictionary
laţe — LÁŢE s.f. pl. Şuviţe de lână netoarse şi nepieptănate (de pe un animal); p. anal. (la om) şuviţe de păr care atârnă în mod dezordonat; miţe. – et. nec. Trimis de LauraGellner, 18.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 láţe s. f. pl. Trimis de siveco,… … Dicționar Român
late-night — adj [only before noun] happening late at night ▪ late night television ▪ late night shopping … Dictionary of contemporary English
late-breaking — late .breaking adj late breaking news concerns events that happen just before a news broadcast or just before a newspaper is printed … Dictionary of contemporary English
late — adj 1. tardy, behind, behind time or schedule, not on time, unpunctual; overdue, past due; slow, pro crastinative, procrastinatory, dilatory, delaying, cunc tation, cunctatory, Rare. cunctative. 2. prolonged, protracted, extended, drawn out,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ˈlate-ˌnight — adj happening late at night a late night film[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English