humble pie

humble pie
soup n

English expressions. 2014.

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  • Humble Pie — Datos generales Origen Inglaterra Información artística …   Wikipedia Español

  • Humble Pie — Steve Marriott avec Humble Pie au Madison Square Garden Pays d’origine Essex …   Wikipédia en Français

  • humble pie — n. [earlier umble pie < umbles, entrails of a deer < ME noumbles: see NUMBLES] Historical a pie made of the inner parts of a deer, served to the servants after a hunt a pie made of the inner parts of a deer, served to the servants after a… …   English World dictionary

  • Humble Pie — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Rock, Folkrock, Bluesrock Gründung 1968 Auflösung 1975 Neugründung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Humble pie — To eat humble pie, in common usage, is to apologise and face humiliation for a serious error. Humble pie, or umble pie, is also a term for a variety of pastries, originally based on medieval meat tripe pies. Etymology The expression derives from… …   Wikipedia

  • humble pie — [17] Until the 19th century, humble pie was simply a pie made from the internal organs of a deer or other animal (‘Mrs Turner did bring us an umble pie hot out of her oven’, Samuel Pepys, Diary 8 July 1663). Humble has no etymological connection… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • humble pie — [17] Until the 19th century, humble pie was simply a pie made from the internal organs of a deer or other animal (‘Mrs Turner did bring us an umble pie hot out of her oven’, Samuel Pepys, Diary 8 July 1663). Humble has no etymological connection… …   Word origins

  • humble pie — noun Etymology: humbles 1. a. : a meat pie formerly made of the inferior parts of a deer and served to the huntsman and other servants b. : a meat pie made of the humbles of a hog 2. [influenced in meaning by humble ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • humble pie — 1. humility forced upon someone, often under embarrassing conditions; humiliation. 2. Obs. a pie made of the viscera and other inferior parts of deer or the like. 3. eat humble pie, to be forced to apologize humbly; suffer humiliation: He had to… …   Universalium

  • humble pie — n. (forced) to eat humble pie * * * (forced) to eat humble pie …   Combinatory dictionary

  • humble pie — hum′ble pie′ n. humility forced upon someone; humiliation • eat humble pie …   From formal English to slang

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