evenly adv

evenly adv
"I wouldn't marry you if you were the only woman on earth," said Tom evenly.

English expressions. 2014.

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  • evenly — adv. Evenly is used with these adjectives: ↑balanced, ↑covered, ↑divisible, ↑mixed, ↑moist, ↑tanned Evenly is used with these verbs: ↑apply, ↑balance, ↑cook, ↑disperse, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Evenly — E ven*ly, adv. With an even, level, or smooth surface; without roughness, elevations, or depression; uniformly; equally; comfortably; impartially; serenely. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • evenly — adv. smoothly; impartially, fairly; equally; calmly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • evenly — e|ven|ly [ˈi:vənli] adv 1.) covering or affecting all parts of something equally ▪ Make sure the surface is evenly covered with paint. ▪ Spread the butter evenly over the toast. ▪ Support for the Liberals is fairly evenly spread across the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • evenly — [ˈiːv(ə)nli] adv 1) in an equal or regular way Sprinkle the sugar evenly over the cake.[/ex] 2) with each person having an equal chance to win The two teams are fairly evenly matched.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Eve — evenly adv, evilly adv …   English expressions

  • even — I [[t]i͟ːv(ə)n[/t]] DISCOURSE USES ♦ 1) ADV: ADV with cl/group, ADV before v You use the word even to suggest that what comes just after or just before it in the sentence is rather surprising. He kept calling me for years, even after he got… …   English dictionary

  • even — even1 evener, n. evenly, adv. evenness, n. /ee veuhn/, adj. 1. level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road. 2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground …   Universalium

  • even — 1. adj., adv., & v. adj. (evener, evenest) 1 level; flat and smooth. 2 a uniform in quality; constant. b equal in number or amount or value etc. c equally balanced. 3 (usu. foll. by with) in the same plane or line. 4 (of a person s temper etc.)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • even — even1 [ē′vən] adj. [ME < OE efne, efen, akin to Ger eben, Goth ibns < ? IE base * yem , hold together > MIr emon, twins] 1. flat; level; smooth [even country] 2. not irregular; not varying; uniform; constant [an even tempo] 3. calm;… …   English World dictionary

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