down-to-earth adj

down-to-earth adj
Old skydivers never die, they're just more down to earth.

English expressions. 2014.

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  • down-to-earth — adj practical and direct in a sensible honest way ▪ Fran s a very friendly, down to earth person. ▪ a chef with a very down to earth approach to cooking …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • down-to-earth — adj. facing reality squarely; guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory. Opposite of {idealistic}, {unrealistic}, {impractical}, and {pie in the sky}. Syn: hardheaded, hard nosed, practical, pragmatic. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • down-to-earth — down′ to earth′ adj. practical and realistic • Etymology: 1925–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • down-to-earth — [adj] reasonable, practical common, commonsense, easy, hard, hardboiled, hardheaded, matter of fact, mundane, no nonsense, plainspoken, pragmatic, rational, realistic, sane, sensible, sober, unfantastic, unidealistic, unsentimental; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • down-to-earth — {adj.} Showing good sense; practical. * /The committee s first plan for the party was too fancy, but the second was more down to earth./ * /Mr. Jenkins never seems to know what is happening around him, but his wife is friendly and down to earth./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • down-to-earth — {adj.} Showing good sense; practical. * /The committee s first plan for the party was too fancy, but the second was more down to earth./ * /Mr. Jenkins never seems to know what is happening around him, but his wife is friendly and down to earth./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • down-to-earth — ADJ GRADED (approval) If you say that someone is down to earth, you approve of the fact that they concern themselves with practical things and actions, rather than with abstract theories. Gloria is probably the most down to earth person I ve ever …   English dictionary

  • down-to-earth — adj Showing good sense; practical. The committee s first plan for the party was too fancy, but the second was more down to earth. Mr. Jenkins never seems to know what is happening around him, but his wife is friendly and down to earth. Compare:… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • down-to-earth — also down to earth, as an adj. phrase, attested from 1932 …   Etymology dictionary

  • down-to-earth — /down tooh errth , teuh /, adj. practical and realistic: a down to earth person. [1925 30] Syn. hard headed, sensible, sober, pragmatic. * * * …   Universalium

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