- shipshape adj
- Sure the ship's shipshape, sir.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
shipshape — [adj] tidy businesslike, chipper, clean, in good shape, in tip top condition, neat, ordered, orderly, spick and span*, trim, uncluttered, well groomed, well kept; concepts 485,585,621 … New thesaurus
shipshape — {adj.} In perfect condition; in good order. * /After we left the islands, we left the rented car shipshape for the next driver./ … Dictionary of American idioms
shipshape — {adj.} In perfect condition; in good order. * /After we left the islands, we left the rented car shipshape for the next driver./ … Dictionary of American idioms
shipshape — adj In perfect condition; in good order. After we left the islands, we left the rented car shipshape for the next driver … Словарь американских идиом
shipshape — [ship′shāp΄] adj. having everything neatly in place, as on board ship; trim adv. in a neat and orderly manner … English World dictionary
shipshape — adj. neat, tidy, orderly … English contemporary dictionary
sure adj — shipshape adj … English expressions
shipshape — ship|shape [ˈʃıpʃeıp] adj [not before noun] [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: shipshapen made appropriate for a ship (1600 1700), from shapen, old past participle of shape] neat and clean ▪ Let s get this house shipshape. shipshape and Bristol fashion… … Dictionary of contemporary English
shipshape — [[t]ʃɪ̱pʃeɪp[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If something is shipshape, it looks tidy, neat, and in good condition. The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape … English dictionary
shipshape — /ship shayp /, adj. 1. in good order; well arranged; trim or tidy. adv. 2. in a shipshape manner. [1635 45; SHIP + SHAPE] * * * … Universalium