- main adj
- Lions don't have to worry about every little detail in life...just the mane thing.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
main — adj principal, leading, *chief, foremost, capital Analogous words: cardinal, vital, *essential, fundamental: prime, *primary, primal Contrasted words: *subordinate, secondary, dependent, subject, collateral … New Dictionary of Synonyms
main — {{11}}main (adj.) early 13c., large, bulky, strong, from O.E. mægen power, strength, force, used in compounds (e.g. mægensibb great love, mægenbyrðen heavy burden; see MAIN (Cf. main) (n.)), probably also from or influenced by O.N. megenn (adj.)… … Etymology dictionary
MAIN — La main, organe de préhension et récepteur sensitif important, est l’apanage des Primates et de l’homme. En vérité, la main humaine possède une signification particulière, car elle se trouve à l’extrémité du membre supérieur qui est libéré des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
main — [mān] n. [ME < OE mægen, akin to ON magn: see MIGHT2] 1. physical strength; force; power: now only in with might and main, with all one s strength, with all one s strength 2. [< MAIN the adj.] the principal or most important part or point:… … English World dictionary
main-forte — [ mɛ̃fɔrt ] n. f. sing. • v. 1360; de main et fort ♦ Assistance (accordée à qqn) pour exécuter qqch., souvent dans des circonstances difficiles ou périlleuses. ⇒ 1. aide. Donner, prêter main forte à qqn. Trouver main forte. ♢ Spécialt Concours… … Encyclopédie Universelle
main|stream — «MAYN STREEM», noun, adjective, verb. –n. a main course or direction in the historical development of an organization, branch of government, legal system, art form, idea, country, or any other institution or thing: »Kabuki continues to form the… … Useful english dictionary
Main Line — Main Line, adj. Main Liner, n. 1. a fashionable residential district west of Philadelphia. 2. any fashionable district where socially prominent people live. * * * … Universalium
main line — n an important railway that connects two cities ▪ the main line to Moscow >mainline adj [only before noun] ▪ a mainline station … Dictionary of contemporary English
main — adj 1. chief, principal, cardinal, prime, primary, capital; paramount, preeminent, premier, supreme, first, foremost, head, headmost, top, topmost; leading, crowning, ruling, overruling, prevailing; uppermost, important, most important,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
main|land — «MAYN LAND, luhnd», noun, adjective. –n. the main part of a continent or land mass, apart from outlying islands or peninsulas. –adj. of or belonging to the mainland: »the mainland states of the United States. The Chinese who really count…are the… … Useful english dictionary