- kill time
- Does killing time damage eternity?
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
kill time — To occupy oneself with amusements, etc, in order to pass spare time or to relieve boredom (also killˈ time noun an occupation of this sort) • • • Main Entry: ↑kill * * * kill time phrase to make time seem to pass more quickly by doing something… … Useful english dictionary
kill time — {v. phr.} To cause the time to pass more rapidly; waste time. * /The plane trip to Hong Kong was long and tiring, but we managed to kill time by watching several movies./ … Dictionary of American idioms
kill time — {v. phr.} To cause the time to pass more rapidly; waste time. * /The plane trip to Hong Kong was long and tiring, but we managed to kill time by watching several movies./ … Dictionary of American idioms
kill time — index procrastinate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
kill time — verb To spend time doing nothing in particular in order that it seems to pass more quickly. She had nothing better to do, so she went to the bowling alley to kill time. See Also: time killer, time to kill … Wiktionary
kill\ time — v. phr. To cause the time to pass more rapidly; waste time. The plane trip to Hong Kong was long and tiring, but we managed to kill time by watching several movies … Словарь американских идиом
kill time — to do something which is not very useful or interesting while you are waiting for time to pass. We usually play guessing games to kill time at airports … New idioms dictionary
kill time — to make time seem to pass more quickly by doing something instead of just waiting I started cleaning the windows, just to kill time … English dictionary
kill-time — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : an occupation that serves to kill time … Useful english dictionary
Kill Time Communication — Год основания 1995 Расположение Токио, Япония Ключевые фигуры … Википедия
kill time — wait, put in time, time to kill He was killing time waiting for a plane, so he phoned a friend … English idioms