- hooked adj
- Those who like sport fishing can really get hooked.
English expressions. 2014.
English expressions. 2014.
hooked — [adj] addicted absorbed, captivated, dependent, devoted, enamored, obsessed, prone, strung out*, under the influence; concept 542 … New thesaurus
hooked — 〈[hụkt] Adj.; Drogenszene〉 drogenabhängig [engl., „eingehakt“] * * * hooked [hʊkd] <Adj.> [engl. hooked, eigtl. = festgehakt, 2. Part. von: to hook = festhaken] (Jargon): von einer harten Droge abhängig. * * * hooked [hʊkd] <Adj.>… … Universal-Lexikon
hooked — [hukt] adj 1.) curved outwards or shaped like a hook ▪ a hooked nose 2.) [not before noun] informal if you are hooked on a drug, you feel a strong need for it and you cannot stop taking it = ↑addicted hooked on ▪ I know a girl who got hooked on… … Dictionary of contemporary English
hooked — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ become, get ▪ I first got hooked on scuba diving when I was twelve. ▪ get sb ▪ keep sb … Collocations dictionary
hooked — adj. (slang) addicted hooked on (hooked on drugs) * * * [hʊkt] (slang) [ addicted ] hooked on (hooked on drugs) … Combinatory dictionary
hooked on — {adj.} 1. Addicted to a substance such as cigarettes, coffee, tea, drugs, or alcohol. * /Fred is hooked on grass, but Tim is only hooked on tea./ 2. Enthusiastic or very supportive of something. * /I am hooked on the local symphony./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hooked on — {adj.} 1. Addicted to a substance such as cigarettes, coffee, tea, drugs, or alcohol. * /Fred is hooked on grass, but Tim is only hooked on tea./ 2. Enthusiastic or very supportive of something. * /I am hooked on the local symphony./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hooked — 〈[hụkt] Adj.; Drogenszene〉 drogenabhängig [Etym.: engl., »eingehakt«] hooked: (Worttrennung am Zeilenende) Die Trennbarkeit von Fremdwörtern richtet sich in der Regel nach ihrer muttersprachlichen Aussprache. Da das Wort »hooked« [hukt]… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
hooked\ on — adj 1. Addicted to a substance such as cigarettes, coffee, tea, drugs, or alcohol. Fred is hooked on grass, but Tim is only hooked on tea. 2. Enthusiastic or very supportive of something. I am hooked on the local symphony … Словарь американских идиом
hooked — O.E. hoced, “shaped like a hook, crooked, curved;” pp. adj. from HOOK (Cf. hook) (v.). From mid 14c. as “having hooks;” 1610s as “caught on a hook;” 1925 as addicted, originally in reference to narcotics. hooked rug is recorded from… … Etymology dictionary